ClickAider Alastis - Existence-MP3 SARKI SÖZLERİ

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Alastis - Existence

I force the gate to the ages to come
I need to know how tomorrow will be
Force the cage of time, the heaven`s gates
I need to believe in my destiny
I look at my life, deny the obvious
I need to believe in my deceptive greatness
Look at the world, I find my place
I need to believe in my existence

Tormented with suspicions
Baffled by delusions

Reduced to theorize on dreams
I have to keep my self-control
Affected in the bottom of my heart
I need to follow the way of light

I need my existence

However He`s done shudder the boldest warriors
However he`s waked me with tears
The thrills, frozen blood, the wind of death
The fears, misery, the lords of evil

That`s Him, and I`m starting to like that
Damocl¨s` sword on this so precarious being
I recognize His glory, devote my life to Him
I`m convinced of His power and shall give blood for Him

I force the gate to the ages to come
I need to know how tomorrow will be
Force the cage of time, the heaven`s gates
I need to believe in my destiny
I look at my life, deny the obvious
I need to believe in my deceptive greatness
Look at the world, I find my place
I need to believe my own existence

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